Havana Zigarren
Produkt Übersicht


Elio Rozzino, was born in October 8th, 1936 in San Donà di Piave, in the province of Venezia. He was born in a peasant family, and until the age of 16, he lived in his native land. He left in 1952 with his family and they started to live in Cormano, in the province of Milano.

One of his first jobs was to make the consigments for a Tea – importing factory. After some months in this job, he started as apprentice in the factory of Ermanno Romanò. In this factory he learned to work the wood and he become soon the most talented man there.

As result, he decided to start on his own a new factory, where he could express is talent at best.


Mr. Elio Rozzino

A brief history of the Firm

19th May 1969
Mr. Elio Rozzino started working on his own as a craftsman in the wood sector, after many years of previous experience in this field as a qualified worker. He founded a One-man Business in the lower floor of his house and Iolanda, his wife, was fully involved in helping him.

In the beginning the main activity consisted in making little wooden statues on behalf of a third party and later Mr. Elio Rozzino himself created various wooden items such as small animals, table lamps, ash trays, cigarette holders, jewel cases and so on.


Mr. Elio Rozzino started his business collaboration with some of the best Italian pipe makers (Savinelli, for example) and with an Italian wholesaler of pipe smokers articles. Therefore he designed and created many smokers accessories: table and wall pipe stands, ash trays, tobacco jars and so on. Some shapes were suggested by the customers whereas some others were completely invented by his fantasy.

It was easy for Mr. Elio Rozzino to introduce his production in the smokers sundries sector: many wholesalers and pipe makers appreciated the wood quality, the shapes originality as well as the smooth finishing touch.


Mr Rozzino visited the International Frankfurt Fair in Germany, in the Springtime.
This experience was extremely useful and interesting.

In Frankfurt he could meet all the most important wholesalers and representatives of the smokers accessories as well as many pipe makers coming from all over the world.

He started positive and lasting business relationships with many wholesalers. He gave them the exclusive rights on the selling of his products for the country they came from.

Thanks to the frequent visits to Frankfurt it was possible to Mr. Elio Rozzino to gain a precise idea and knowledge of the wide range of products that were offered in the market and therefore he could adequate his line and offer an interesting and competitive production.


The Firm was transformed into a Family Business.
The export activity increased constantly and therefore it was necessary to have a bigger workshop.


The new factory in Cormano, via Bizzozzero 67 was a big building, where it was possible to produce more articles and work more properly. The production was sold to different countries in Western Europe, America, Japan, South Africa.


Mr. Elio Rozzino received a silver medal from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, during the European Year for Handicraft

The Family Business incuded Mr. Emanuele Rozzino in the Firm. He is Mr. Elio Rozzino’s son.


Mr. Elio Rozzino received the gold medal from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan,“.. for 28 years of continuous activity.” The factory was renovated and conformed to safety standards.

The production of wooden smokers accessories is very well appreciated by the market, due to the wood quality and the quality of the finish, to their original and well known design and to the Firm reliability.
The large range of accessories is offered to qualified wholesalers and to some of the best shops in many countries of the world.


In recent years the Firm has started business with countries of East Europe and Asia.
The distribution has been in fact extended to Russia, and many others former USSR countries

The RO-EL label that is found on the base of our items stands for ROzzino-ELio

The materials, as well as the production methods, satisfy the following requirements:

The item must be agreeable to the sight
The item must be agreable to the touch
The item must be useful for the smoker
The item must be made in the best possible way during the whole production process

In fact, Elio Rozzino and his son Emanuele are each day involved in producing the items together with the workers.
As to the materials, we choose the ones that can make the perfect couple with the pipe.

The first shaping of the wood-block is made with the help of the machinery. After this first stage, the next is the detailed shaping, the smoothing and the polishing of the wood that are completely hand made, piece by piece.

During the process of inventing every new item, Elio and Emanuele have always in mind about the fact that their pipe holders should receive in the best way many different shapes of pipe.

Every new item is tested with different pipe models before entering the production.

We believe that it is a very challenging job to satisfy the smoker by offering him the items that will accompany him in enjoing this beautiful passion. Our goal is to win this challenge, by offering to the smoker what he needs and what he will love.

Elio Rozzino activity will close down before July 2007. Emanuele died suddenly, it was last October 2007. It was a bad accident. The factory in Cormano is closed...

 In memory of Emanuele


Emanuele Rozzino & Silvia










Copyright © 2006 by TECON GmbH
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Elio Rozzino

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