Manufacturer Description:
A raven black English-Flake, ready rubbed ( loosened ready to smoke) from Dark Virginia, Black Cavendish and Syrian Latakia.
The White & Black Blend 763 is an evenly bright and dark brown marbled Ready Rubbed. The smell of the freshly opened tin surprise with an alcoholic sweetness that could think of a flavor, if the manufacturer is not claiming otherwise. Under this fragrance Latakia is not to sniff, but the used quality Virginias betrayed by clear hints of prune and black bread. The flake bits are relatively coarse and the soaked paper on the tobacco lets think of a too high humidity, but the tobacco feels dry and can be stuffed immediately.
For smaller and medium-sized pipes the rather coarse flake bits should additionally grind something to better fit into the head. The White & Black Blend 763 should also not be given to firmly and into the pipe, since the compressed tobacco rises under the flame sharply and it may even happen that burning tobacco crumbs swell and fall out over the edge, which is certainly not in the sense of fire protection. Loose crumbs at the top, however, facilitate the kindling.
Light up:
The White & Black Blend 763 requires probably due to the compactness of the flake bits several attempts, until a uniform glow is generated. Patience and the smoothing use of the tamper is absolutely necessary, but if it's once succeeded one need not to worry about the blaze.
Smoking properties:
The White & Black Blend 763 should not be smoked in strong winds, because then it tends to get very hot. Also violent puffing it acknowledged with a tendency for gargling. Smoked leisurely it has however a wide range of flavors. The interesting interplay ranges from smoky spicy tobacco, which is probably due to the Latakia over sweet to nutty notes and culminate when gently smoked, in a bittersweet, very pleasant chocolate note. These flavors change with each other and so design the entire course of smoking very varied and interesting. At the end remains mid-gray ash, some unburned tobacco crumbs and little condensate.
The smoke of White & Black Blend 763 in the room reveals no Latakia however it is real tobacco and therefore requires tolerance of non-smoking society.
The White & Black Blend 763 is a dark brown, slightly coarser Ready Rubbed. Latakia is neither particularly prominent determine in the nose and in the smoke. Is that something sophisticated ritual of plugging and lighting mastered and is it managed to keep the pipe cool, so the White & Black Blend 763 surprises with a wide range of flavors, which plays throughout the course of smoking between tobacco spice, nutty sweetness and an interesting dark chocolate note. The White & Black Blend 763 is certainly not a true English tobacco and due to its challenging nature not necessarily for absolute beginners, but its unusual aromas make it something special, so it is worth it to give it the attention that it deserves.
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel