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Jan Andersson - Bo Nordh pipemaker

Jan Andersson - Bo Nordh pipemaker

Jan Andersson - Bo Nordh pipemaker
0,00 €
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Bo Nordh

left this world early in the morning on the 12"' of July 2006. As one of the most talented and respected pipemakers of our time, he will be deeply missed by colleagues, collectors and friends from all over the world. Bo was 65 years old.

The funeral took place in the church of Billeberga on the 2n1 of August. The whole ceremony was arranged, according to Bo's last will, by his friend Andreas Persson. It was a light ceremony with a lot of music - jazz as well as Bach. At the dinner that followed in a restaurant Bo favored, some of his favorite dishes were served. The ceremony was attended by pipemakers and friends from Sweden, Denmark and Germany, and the church was filled with flowers from all over the world.

On the flower arrangement, formed as a pipe, from Bo's friends in the Pipe Club of Sweden it was written:

We will remember you with joy and pride.

We think all Bo's friends will
agree on that.

Bo Nordh was one of the most talented and skilful pipe makers of our time. According to the marketplace he was even the most respected pipe maker of all time. His reputation steadily grew and was at its high point, when he suddenly died in 2006. Most of his pipes are now found among prominent collectors in Japan, U.S.A., Germany and several other countries.


Jan Andersson is the Hon. Secretary of the Pipe Club of Sweden and publisher of the magazine Rökringar (Smoke Rings). His articles about Scandinavian pipe makers have been published in several countries. Jan was a good friend of Bo Nordh´s for more than 25 years.


This is a book about a man and his work, a man who got a world-wide reputation for his art. It is illustrated with 125 pictures showing more than 100 pipes - pipes that made the name Bo Nordh well-known and respected all over the world.

005. Foreword
011. Bo Nordh's early life
017. My first meeting with Bo Nordh
023. A beautiful pipe and a good smoker
029. The baker becomes a pipe maker
035. Annual production varies
039. Rosen, food, music ... and dogs
047. To read wood
051. No trends
057. A pipe without holes
061. Sandblasted pipes
069. Perfection
073. A "Pipe-swine"
077. Shapes
099. The Collectors 
101. The Collectors - Rick Newcombe
106. The Collectors - Uli Wöhrle
109. The Collectors - Mark Schropshire
113. The Pipe makers
121. The Dealers
125. In memory of Bo Nordh
128. Index of pictures

2 von 5 Sternen!Georg H., 12.06.2013
leider habe ich eine Paperback-Version und nicht die abgebildete Hardcover-Version erhalten

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