Manufacturer Description:
A full-bodied, really tasty flake tobacco that has been stored for an extra long time to achieve optimal maturity, prepared in the press in the classic way from the best naturally sweet Virginia tobaccos with a small pinch of aromatic Lousiana Perique. Slowly smoldering in the pipe, it delivers a pleasantly cool smoke and in this way develops a rich, perfectly sweet-toned taste with a velvety-spicy note.
The Classical (Medium) Navy Cut is embedded in a paper rosette in the round tin. Under the slightly stained cover paper it lies as a dark brown, broad flake. A light and medium brown marbling runs through, which is evenly spotted with light yellow. The scent is sweet and sour and slightly reminiscent of mustard fruits. The flake slices are cut very thin and brittle - but this is not due to too much moisture - so that they can hardly be removed in one piece.
Due to the crumbly consistency of the Classical (Medium) Navy Cut, it is difficult to bend and fold the tobacco into the pipe in the traditional way. However, the Classical (Medium) Navy Cut is very well suited to bring it into the pipe as a Ready Rubbed in the fineness that you personally want. When plugging the pipe you should be careful not to fill it too full and too tight.
Light up:
The Classical (Medium) Navy Cut rises strongly under the first flame. If you then press it gently and give fire evenly again, you will achieve a permanent ember and a good burning.
Smoking properties:
The Classical (Medium) Navy Cut smoke is rich and powerful. The tobacco is uncomplicated in the course of smoking and, in contrast to many other Virginia Periques, does not bite on the tongue. The natural tobacco flavor, while unusual, is equally straightforward. While the Virginia is of the smoky-spicy variety, the Perique contributes peppery and "fatty" piquant notes. The Classical (Medium) Navy Cut offers an unusual but harmonious range of flavors that complement each other without demanding too much from the smoker. The remaining fine and light-colored ash can be removed very easily thanks to the hardly any condensate.
The smoke of the Classical (Medium) Navy Cut is strong due to the natural tobacco, so that the tobacco is more likely to be accepted by smokers.
The Classical (Medium) Navy Cut is a predominantly dark brown flake that can be smoked well as a Ready Rubbed due to its crumbly consistency. With a little experience with this tobacco form, you can easily bring the Classical (Medium) Navy Cut into the pipe. The burning behavior is also calm and - not a matter of course for Virginia-Perique mixtures - without complications. The piquant scent prepares for the smoke. It is less sweet than the cold scent, but spicy and characterized by smoky bacon aromas. More harmonious than it may sound, but not very playful, so that the Classical (Medium) Navy Cut could also be enjoyed on the side. But the tobacco is actually much too good for that due to its unusual aroma. Lovers of very spicy blends of Virgina with Perique will certainly want to enjoy it in a relaxed manner.
Copyright © 2013 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel