Manufacturer Description:
A traditional flake from especially soft Virginias with a fairly high degree of sweetness prepared in the press and stored for ripening under reduced pressure. As befits of a good flake, it is smoldering slow with a cool smoke, so the Virginia sweetness comes with its typical, reminiscent of figs and plums taste for best advantage.
The Mellow Navy Cut is uniformly light to medium brown with a few dark veins. Its aroma is typical of a natural Virginia: slightly sour rye bread and sweet, warm hay. The flakes are rather dry, but surprisingly stick the individual slices quite firmly together so that they can only be separated with care and patience and then they are quite crumbly.
The Mellow Navy Cut is quite crumbly and so can be easily rubbed out into a Mixture, but you can also roll bigger detached strips of the flakes for a loose ball and put into the pipe, which the method of bent and fold is still the closest. The taste takes no harm in each of these plugging methods
Light up:
The Mellow Navy Cut is very easy to ignite. After the first flame it burns so evenly and without rearing that you hardly have to try the tamper to smoothen the surface.
Smoking properties:
The Mellow Navy Cut offers a fine, yet full-bodied spicy tobacco smoke, which seems to contradict the name "Mellow". But even slightly peppery notes are to taste, but the nicotine content is low and when you can enjoy the tobacco on a cool level, then it surprises with a delicate almond sweetness, which can sometimes detect creamy, caramel notes. Even on the tongue it is smooth and it also does not tend to gargle, making it a very uncomlicated smoke. The remaining ash is medium gray with a few unburned particles and since hardly any condensation occurs also cleaning makes no effort.
The room note of Mellow Navy Cut tobacco is real and sometimes recalls cigarette smoke, which could be bothersome in not smoking society.
The Mellow Navy Cut is a light brown marbled flake, unfortunately it is a bit crumbly and its slices stick together. In addition, it is so easy to plug and to smoke, that it will make even beginners few problems. The more lightweight strength and his gentleness make him also suitable for beginners. However, the varied tension between peppery notes and a creamy sweetness make it even for more experienced smokers to an uncomplicated yet interesting flake for every day.
Copyright © 2013 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel