Manufacturer Description:
A contrasting, opulent Wild Cut Blend composed of Black Cavendish, Brown Cavendish and red and gold Virginias. Carefully refined with ready rubbed and luxurious Cube Cuts. The deep-fruity taste of grapes, cherry and bourbon vanilla is perfectly accentuated on the palate and is reflected in a winning aroma. The attractive, different cut widths and cut types of this pleasantly mild tobacco lead to an even, cool burn.
The No 4 Red Blend reveals its high content of cavendish tobacco in a large proportion of dark tobacco fibers, some of which are cut wider. This also includes loosely cut light brown fibers, as well as coarser Ready Rubbed pieces, which are predominantly medium brown, with lighter inclusions. The scattered cube cuts are composed of light brown tobacco. However, these tend to crumble a little. The smell of tobacco is mainly characterized by the aroma used. Cherry and vanilla in particular can be smelled clearly. Natural tobacco flavors, on the other hand, can hardly be sniffed out. As with many flavored tobaccos, the No 4 Red Blend also promotes a short pre-drying before plugging for a good burning.
The mix of different ingredients requires some attention when plugging, but overall the No 4 Red Blend is not complicated to plug. If you take care getting it not to too tight, you can bring the tobacco into the pipe loosely at the bottom and with gentle pressure upwards, just like with loose Mixtures.
Light up:
Since the No 4 Red Blend consists of different cuts, you should take care to light the surface evenly when lighting. After the first flame you should also use the tamper for smoothing and then carefully give fire again to create a good glow.
Smoking properties:
The No 4 Red Blend immediately shows itself as a distincty flavored tobacco. The spicy-sweet Cavendish aromas are clearly characterized by the expected cherry aroma, which combines with the creamy vanilla and probably gets an additional juicy note from the grape aroma. The No 4 Red Blend is not a particularly snappy representative of the aromatics, but you should not smoke too greedily to keep it cool. This also promotes the aroma, which can be tasted in constant intensity up to the last third of the filling. From time to time, due to the different components of the No 4 Red Blend, it may be necessary to gently press the embers onto the tobacco with the tamper. The No 4 Red Blend burns down relatively calmly and only leaves a little medium gray ash, some unburned crumbs and some condensate, which can be cleaned quickly.
The room note of the No 4 Red Blend is characterized by cherries, grapes and vanilla through clearly flavored smoke, so that the tobacco can get benevolent patience in tolerant company.
Mixing the No 4 Red Blend from Loose Cut, Ready Rubbed and Cube Cut requires a little, but not excessive, attention to preparation. You should also keep the pipe cool when smoking, but the medium strong No 4 Red Blend is suitable for beginners who are not completely inexperienced. These, but also more experienced smokers can look forward to intense aromas of cherries and vanilla, which combined with juicy grapes get that certain something. The No 4 Red Blend is aimed primarily at lovers of strongly flavored blends and will certainly not disappoint them.
Copyright © 2015 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel