Manufacturer Description:
The most exclusive blend of the Ilsted line is a newly developed Brown Cavendish mixed with five different Virginia grades, Burley and Black Cavendish. Delicious and full-bodied aroma enhanced by café macchiato flavour.
Ilsted’s Own Nr. 99 is a colourful mixture oft medium and dark brown tobaccos with different cut in length and width. The tobacco gives off a sweetly aroma like vanilla with nuances of coffee and nut. It smells similarly as a sweet cappuccino. The tobacco feels mellow and a little bit dampish.
Due to the cut this tobacco could be plugged easy and loose in bowls of any size.
Light up:
The tobacco could be light up very well with one or two flames, but it tends to straight up a little bit. After dampen down slightly with the tamper and another flame it’ll glow satisfying.
Smoking properties:
The Ilsted’s Own Nr. 99 is highly aromatic. After light up the aroma is dominating immediately. The taste reminds to vanilla and caramel. The aromas eliminate most of the tobacco taste, but are not too obtrusive. Burning down is without any problem, if it’s not smoked to hastily and the tobacco gets not too hot. In spite of the subjective humidity, it develops only less condensate. A balance of bright grey ash remains.
The redolence is highly aromatic too. The tobaccos smells as caramel and vanilla. The sweet redolence is pleasing for the surrounding and should be welcome to the most societies.
The Ilsted’s Own Nr. 99 is a highly aromatic tobacco, which as soon as opening the tin gives off a sweet smell of vanilla with nuances of coffee and nut. After light up an aromatic taste of vanilla and caramel develops. These aromas are also dominating the redolence, so that the real taste of tobacco is missing. Handling and burning behaviour are without problems. The tobacco glows down with less condensate to a balance of bright grey ash. This tobacco is suited for enthusiasts of highly aromatic mixtures.
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Heinz-Günter Döteberg