Manufacturer Description:
High quality flake of white Burley, aged, roasted, pressed and heated. 6 weeks, the cakes are cut into flakes. Slow burning with a typical, lakritzartigem taste and refreshing smoke properties.
The Aged Burley Flake is cut in clean slices about 7.5 cm long, 3,5 cm wide and about 1.5 mm thickness and accurately stacked in the tin. The tobacco is a balanced, light and dark brown mottling with golden speckles. The scent is reminiscent of raisins and dried figs, the slight Chocolateflavour is perceptible. The flakes feel elastic, but not falling apart. This residual moisture makes it advisable to fresh tobacco before the plugging to vent about ½ hour.
The Aged Burley Flake can be packed in different ways. Either rubbed like a Mixture or bent and folded and then placed loosely in the tobacco chamber. Do not over stuff because the compact tobacco but rears up when lighting. Crumbs of tobacco on the top layer facilitate the kindling.
Light up:
When Aged Burley Flake requires some attention when lighting. It is advisable to let him go after a first lighting, then to use the tamper to smooth the surface carefully, and then the prepared surface to ignite again. If the surface is evenly burning, there will be no problems any more.
Smoking properties:
The Aged Burley Flake wants to be smoked slowly and not in the wind, so that it will not getting too hot. Smoked gently he spoiled initially with a dark sweetness, reminiscent of dark chocolate and a good fit for the natural chocolate notes of Burley. The strength is classified as medium. Then towards the middle there are spicy herbal tips that sometimes reminiscent of lively-fresh licorice. In the end, again dominated the delicately sweet chocolate note. This interplay makes the tobacco very varied and exciting to smoke, not casually, but in a hour of idleness it will be a very interesting experience. Back remains only medium to dark gray ash and also the cleaning effort is low.
The room note of the Aged Burley Flake is rather inconspicuous, slightly sweet and should not be bothersome in society.
The Aged Burley Flake is a marbled brown Flake, which is very accurately cut and packed. Its aroma is appetizing and reminiscent of dried fruits, also the chocolate flavour is perceptible. The handling is quite simple and the combustion properties are good if smoking is done in some care. However, one must pay attention to his smoking behavior, so that the tobacco does not overheat and lose flavor. The Aged Burley Flake combines exciting licorice and herbal aromas with delicate sweet chocolate. This makes the tobacco an interesting experience for cozy moments. It is aimed at more experienced smokers, but beginners will get along with him when they bring to bear him attention.
Copyright © 2014 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel