Manufacturer Description:
Ripe, dark red Virginias and a good portion of Dark Fired Kentucky. Edler tobacco use. Long Flake slices.
The Silver Flake Blend 660 is presented in a large hinged lid box and wrapped in cellophane. So for further storage an airtight container is advisable. The flake however taken fresh from the pack is just perfect in moisture and texture and can be filled into the pipe immediately. The Silver Flake Blend 660 comes as a long, multi-folded strip of flake and is uniformly marbled reddish and dark brown with golden speckles. The fragrance is despite ot the Dark Fired Kentucky typical Virgina with hay and raisins.
The Silver Flake Blend 660 can be plugged immediately due to its perfect condition: tear off the desired amount of the flakestrip (with little experience, you´ll know soon how much you need for a pipe), rub it into a mixture or bent and fold it into the pipe. Even as rolled up it would be absolutely trouble-free to smoke this tobacco. Of course don´t plug it too tight as the tobacco - like all flakes - tends to rear up during kindling. Some crumbs and remains as the top layer will speed up the acceptance of the flame.
Light up:
The Silver Flake Blend 660 can be ignited without any fuss. After one or two flames the tobacco will burn steady and calm until the end. Only the surface can be smoothened with the tamper a little so that the embers are evenly spread.
Smoking properties:
The Silver Flake Blend 660 may be smoked by the way without any attention because - if not too heavily smoked – it becomes not hot or trends to gargling. But the flake provides much more than just the average flavors! Lovers of Virginia will get their costs, but offers the Silver Flake Blend 660 a genuine full-bodied virginia-sweetness, almost fruity, sometimes lemony, which requires no artificial flavors. This is accompanied by the rounding off from the full-bodied spicy Dark Fired Kentucky, whose tart smokiness is like a "pinch of pepper". The subtle balance between the warm sweetness and tart smoke is maintained until the end. Here, the tobacco is always mild to the tongue and in the nicotine content. If the enjoyment unfortunately ends, there is only a little fine gray ash left - and the anticipation for another pipe with this really good tobacco.
The room note of the Silver Flake Blend 660 is genuine tobacco, rather smoky by the Kentucky and could therefore be bothersome in non-smoking society.
The Silver Flake Blend 660 comes as a long, reddish brown marbled flakestrip that is indeed noble, but unfortunately somewhat impractical packed. Otherwise, it is to be plugged, lighted and smoked without any problems - a perfect flake for beginners despite its moderate strength that will delight advanced pipe smokers, too. Since it offers a complex balanced sweet smokiness that results from the fine interplay of Red Virginia and Dark Fired Kentucky, without many of the common pitfalls of a pure Virginia. A fine blend that actually deserves to be called a composition!
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel