Manufacturer Description:
Reddish, very ripe, sweetish Virginia with double-fermented Black Cavendish and a touch of apple flavor.
Under the soggy and spotty cover sheet are some very wide cut, even flaky, but rather short fibers that mix evenly in light, medium and dark brown. The scent of the Green Blend 127, which rises from the tin, is sweet and fruity with hints of red fruit, but not necessarily reminiscent of apple. The residual moisture of the tobacco is not as great as one might fear in view of the wavy cover sheet, but you should let the Green Blend 127 dry for a while before plugging to avoid surprises.
By the Wild Cut with its different components, you should be careful when plugging not to fill the pipe too tight. But you can proceed in the usual way and bring the Green Blend 127 upwards tighter in the pipe.
Light up:
Just as when plugging the Green Blend 127 requires a little attention even when lighting. If you pay attention to evenly ignite the surface, then smoothen gently with the tamper and use a second flame to create a good bed of ember.
Smoking properties:
The Green Blend 127 is not a particularly “snappy” representative of the Aromatics, but it should be kept cool and not to be smoked too greedy. Then it also rewards with an expressive aroma. This is clearly sweet and slightly sour and tart also reminds of apples. In addition, a touch of "perfume" is felt, reminiscent of typical Irish mixes and also the dried fruit sweetness of the used Virginia is lightly represented in the background. The flavored Black Cavendish is much more intense and dominates the smoke until the end of the filling. The burning is quiet, but it can happen that you have to give fire from time to time, which does not detract from the flavor. Also leaves the Green Blend 127 for an aromatics very little condensate in the pipe, which makes as the medium gray ash little work in the cleaning.
The smoke of the Green Blend 127 is clearly fruity due to the sweet apple aroma, so that the tobacco in society can certainly meet with goodwill.
The intersesting cut of the Green Blend 127 requires a bit of attention in the preparation, and you should not be too careless when smoking, but the medium-strong Green Blend 127 is not overly complicated. On the contrary, it is easy to handle for such clearly flavored tobacco and it also provides a straight flavor. This outweighs the underlying tobaccos and shows a distinct sweetness, coupled with the harsh freshness of apples, which specifically addresses the tobacco to lovers of full-aromatic Mixtures, which will have hardly any problems with non-smoking society, thanks to the sweet aroma.
Copyright © 2011 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel