Manufacturer Description:
Full-bodied, spicy Latakia- and Kentucky tobacco were combined with Black Cavendish and then pressed to a flake.
In the very unadorned rectangular box, which shows little more than the name on a white background, there are two piles of rather short, quite narrow flakes. These are oily-black-brown, crossed with dark brown veins and have few lighter speckles. If you try on the opened tin you will immediately smell the Latakia as a sweet-smoky component, but you also feel reminded of dried fruit and anise. Since the Flakes have a very elastic feel, which indicates a significant moisture content, you should allow the Latakia Flake to pre-dry for a good hour before plugging.
The moist and elastic consistency of the Flakes makes it difficult to plug the Latakia Flake. Above all, it is important not to over-tighten, regardless of whether you give it in the classic way bent and folded or rubbed out into the pipe. It takes some practice and experience to get the hang of it. Loose crumbs at the top make lightning a lot easier.
Light up:
Under the flame, the Latakia Flake rises noticeably. So you should take your time, smoothen the surface with the tamper, do not press it too hard and then cross evenly with the flame over the prepared ember bed. Here too, practice and experience in dealing with difficult Flakes pay off.
Smoking properties:
The smoke of the Latakia Flake is lush and creamy, on the tongue, but also tingling in the direction of pepper. And not only here shows the Latakia Flake as an English tobacco. It is quite strong, even in the nicotine content, so the tart spice that does not let taste any ethereal incense note, as they are shown by many Latakia Mixtures. In addition to smoky aromas, however, are also roasted notes, as well as a fine dry fruit sweetness to taste, rounding off the flavour and pleasantly varied. After the somewhat more elaborate preparations, the tobacco enjoys with an uncomplicated burning, while you hardly have to try the tamper. The subsequent cleaning is due to the fine, bright ash and the few remaining condensate little work.
The scent of the Latakia Flake is harsh and strong, so you should think twice about smoking in non-smoking society. The Latakia Flake seems particularly suitable for (autumnal) walks in the fresh air, where it does not lose its flavor too fast due to its strong aroma.
The Latakia Flake is the interesting way to enjoy an English blend as a Flake. Already the dark appearance and the tart-sweet scent prepare for an intensive tobacco English style. And in fact, you should not smoke the Latakia Flake on an empty stomach, as it tends to rank in the stronger midfield. The lush smoke carries a variety of flavors, ranging from peppery and smoky tobacco flavor, to roasted aromas, to sweet dried fruit. Even with the more elaborate preparations, the Latakia Flake is more suitable for more experienced smokers. However, they will appreciate finding a tobacco in the Latakia Flake, which is great for long walks as well as for leisure hours in the evening.
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel