Manufacturer Description:
Selected leaf material from the most valuable Virginias and Burleys, stored in wooden barrels for three years. In addition fine pinches of spicy, dark-fired Kentucky and fragrant Orient - for a blend harmony of the extra class, a "Blenture".
The Jubilee is packaged in a round tin. The cardboard cover, which is revealed when the paper rosette is opened, is adorned with a pretty image of a tobacco plant. You can already smell the tobacco at this moment. The scent penetrates the nose intensively, less revealing the contained Oriental, but reminiscent of willd berries, slightly soapy perfumed. Light brown tones mix evenly with almost black tobacco fibers. The cut is slightly frizzy and rather narrow, but can also be wider. Since the tobacco still contains residual moisture, the Jubilee should be left to dry for some time before plugging, which favors the smoking process.
Since the Jubilee is not cut too roughly, the tobacco can be plugged like a Loose Cut. Here, too, the usual method of starting with gentle pressure at the bottom and becoming firmer towards the top helps here.
Light up:
Pre-dried and carefully plugged, the Jubilee takes the fire well. After the first flame, you should gently press the resulting bed of embers with the tamper and start the fire again.
Smoking properties:
Although the manufacturer does not explicitly speak of an aroma, it is not unlikely that a topping was used when the Jubilee was stored in wooden barrels. Above the earthy grass notes, which can be attributed to the Oriental, and the peppery spiciness of the Kentucky lies something alkaline, sour, reminiscent of citrus fruits. Tart-sweet limes are the most likely to come to mind. This aroma is intense like the cold scent and it is advisable to reserve a separate pipe for this tobacco, as it could overpower other tobaccos. The residual moisture content of the Jubilee may result in the pipe occasionally having to be re-lit. However, this does not damage the aroma of the lush smoke. When smoked with care, the Jubilee leaves only a little medium gray ash and few condensate for cleaning in the pipe.
The Jubilee creates a strong room note, which can be attributed both to the special aroma - if one was used - and to the Oriental contained. You should be aware of this and choose your company accordingly.
The Jubilee, mixed from dark and golden tobaccos, already promises a special aroma when cold. In addition to peppery Kentucky and grassy Oriental, one tastes above all an alkaline acidity reminiscent of citrus notes. Although the manufacturer does not specify an aroma, one was probably used. This makes the Jubilee an unusual tobacco that may not necessarily be suitable for every occasion. However, if you are looking for a mixture with Oriental and have nothing against to be surprised by taste, you will be well served with the Jubilee.
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel