Manufacturer Description:
Deep black Cavendish and golden yellow Virginia tobaccos give this high-contrast mixture its black-gold appearance. The fine honey flavor supports the gentle vitality of these blends. Cutting width 2.0 - 3.5mm.
The Black & Virginia is very firmly pressed into the pouch, so you have to crumble it before smoking and creates a rather dry impression. Also, if you want to store the tobacco for a longer time, you should transfer the Black & Virginia in an airtight container. Loosened, the black-brown tobacco remains rather crumbly, while the light brown fibers are cut very narrow and short. The scent is slightly alcoholic and reminiscent of a spicy honey-cake.
The Black & Virginia should be thoroughly loosened before plugging. Then you can give the tobacco like a loose Mixture into the pipe by starting loosely down and getting gently tighter upwards.
Light up:
Although the tobacco looks almost dry, two or three flames are needed for the Black & Virginia and the soft use of the tamper until a uniform glow has been created. But then the tobacco hardly causes any further problems.
Smoking properties:
The smoke of the Black & Virginia is pleasantly creamy and never overwhelming, neither in the aroma nor by the nicotine content. Dominant is the impression of gentle softness, which is characterized by a delicate sweetness. This is not necessarily reminiscent of honey, which could often be too sweet, but is quite pleasant by its unobtrusiveness and harmonizes with the slight roasted notes of the underlying tobaccos. If you occasionally use the tamper to bring the tobacco closer to the embers, then the smoking behavior is rather uncomplicated. There are some coarser, medium gray ash and some condensate are left behind, but they are relatively easy to remove.
The redolence of the Black & Virginia is mild and will certainly meet with congeniality in tolerant society.
The dark Black & Virginia is a crumbly Mixture that requires some attention in the preparation, but then convinces with a very gentle smoke. The fine sweetness of the honey flavor used is just as pleasant as the roasted notes of the basic tobaccos, resulting in a harmonious interaction. The never-intrusive Black & Virginia appeals to smokers seeking tobacco for every occasion, and is also suitable for motivated beginners who are not too inexperienced with more careful preparations.
Copyright © 2007 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel