Manufacturer Description:
The "Winter Time Flake" is the culmination of the Christmas season! A carefully selected composition of spicy Latakia and finely pressed Virginia-leaves make this stunning blend. A cool and slow burning promises a rich smoke experience and is recommended to more experienced smokers.
The Winter Time Flake lies in broad, dark and black-brown slices in the rectangular tin, which are crossed by chestnut colored veins and interspersed with golden-yellow speckles. As soon as you open it, the intense scent immediately flows into your nose, which reminds you sweet, smoky and peaty of glowing autumn leaves and thus reveals the clear content of Latakia. The Flakes are very tender and slightly moist and should be removed carefully and, if necessary, pre-dried shortly.
The Winter Time Flake is difficult to take out of the tin in one go, but still one can give pieces bend and folded into the pipe due to its elasticity. Of course, the tobacco can also be rubbed into a Ready Rubbed-mixture, so you can choose the type of preparation according to your own preference.
Light up:
Shortly pre-dried the Winter Time Flake can be easily ignited. After the first flame, gently smooth the surface with the tamper, give fire again and get a glow that hardly demands more attention until the end of the filling.
Smoking properties:
The smoke of Winter Time Flake is full and lush, rather cool, but with a peppery tingle, that rises into the nose. Overall, the Winter Time Flake is one of the hearty Latakia representatives. Etheric notes of incense, as they show so many English mixtures, are not to be expected here. But a full-bodied, tart spice in an interesting combination with juicy aromas of nuts, leather and peat. The burn is very calm and without any problems, only in between you can use the tamper once, to bring the embers closer to the tobacco, leaving only bright fine ash and few unburned crumbs or condensate, so that the pipe is very easy to clean.
The scent of the Winter Time Flake is - as expected for a Latakia-containing tobacco - tart, tobacco-like and spicy, so that one should be so considerate not to smoke this tobacco in non-smoking society.
The Winter Time Flake is a broad flake, whose dark color and smoky scent betray the not too few contained Latakia. The rustic appearance also indicates a hearty character. And as is so often with the down-to-earth delights, the enjoyment of the Winter Time Flake is simple, but it is full-bodied. Even the nicotine content is strong, but the flavors are not necessarily aimed at absolute beginners, too. Experienced smokers get with the Winter Time Flake a full-bodied tobacco, whose sturdy aromas of tart tobacco, leather and peat look juicy like a strong Scotch whiskey and make the Flake thus an excellent digestive or as a companion to such a whiskey in the evening.
Copyright © 2016 by TECON GmbH
with friendly support of Dennis Hübel