Certainly good tobacco, slightly flavored, not so much as to take away tobacco's main role. After opening the package, the smell of virginia dominates, you can feel earthy and grassy notes of the scent, maybe a light citrus and a crumb of honey. Kentucky is thrown into the background with floral and fruity aromas, but it goes very nicely with light and dark virgins. The flake is thin, has enough moisture and does not need to be further dried. You can also fill the bowl with crushed flake, I prefer to just break the flake and fill the bowl, with a few crumbs for easier lighting. It burns very well, it needs a lighter pace, yet it is virginia and you never know when it will bite your tongue. The aroma is very pleasant, the strength of the tobacco is medium, the taste is a little citrusy sweet. Look for a few extra ignitions while smoking. In the end, only a little light gray ash is left without moisture. If they smoke at a slow pace, they will not heat the pipe and will not bite. It could be tobacco for the whole day. Recommendation for purchase.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |